After beginning my application process in February 2008... I have finally been invited to serve in the Peace Corps!! I will be an ESL Teacher and Community Development Worker in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and Palau. I am leaving on September 3rd for a 2 day Staging in LA and then on my way to Pohnpei!
I opened my invitation on Sunday night and since then I have been doing a lot of reading, paperwork, celebrating, more paperwork, and writing and re-writing of packing lists. And answering questions. A lot of which, I don't know the answer to.
When I first get to Micronesia, I will be in training for 2 months in Kolonia, Pohnpei. I do not know where I will be placed after that. I could go to any island within the 4 states of FSM or be placed on an island in the Republic of Palau. From reading my welcome book, it seems like teachers are more likely to be placed on an outer (more remote) island. Every volunteer lives with a family.
About my job... I will be teaching English. I don't know what grade yet or if I will even have my own permanent classroom. I may work with Micronesian teachers in their classes. English is the official language of Micronesia but other languages spoken there are:
Chuukese, Halls Island, Kapinga-marangi, Kosraean, Namonuito, Nukuoro, Palauan, Pingilapese, Pohnepeian, Sapwuafik, Satawalese, Ulithian, Woleain, Yapese.
Most people still use one of these languagues in their homes so children need help adjusting to learning in English. If I am placed in a secondary school, I may end up teaching a subject in English rather than English language. And, depending on which island I end up on, I will be learning one of those languages!
Back to packing lists and reading....