Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I was lied to as a child

Written on 10/4/09

Whoever said that roosters crow only in the morning, pigs go oink and mice are quiet was LYING. These animals are loud at all hours. And none of it is pleasant. Roosters, who are everywhere, usually begin crowing a lot around 3am. And it subsides around 8 or 9… but only a little. They crow whenever they feel like it, all day long. I thought that roosters here might help me with my problem of waking up in the morning… but I got more than I bargained for. Now I get to wake up just about every hour.

Pigs. I don’t really know how to describe the sound pigs make. The closest thing I can think of would be children screaming, but not like for the ice cream man. Naturally pigs make their worst scream/squeal/yells when they are being hogtied or killed. This I can’t fault them for. But they also scream when they are getting fed. Or are hungry. Or sometimes when they are getting wet. (side note: it rains almost every day here, usually multiple times) My host family has 4 pigs. And feeding time is 5-6am, I think. That is when they are their loudest at least. I’ll let you know if I hear an oink, but none yet, not even from a piglet.

Mice. My roommates. Nice family really. I don’t mind sharing with them. But man, they are loud when they are borrowing my things, not to mention they rarely ask first. When I am in my half-sleep between crows and pig screaming, I am often woken up by the mice in my room. They run around all night. In the walls and my things. I haven’t found anything with bite marks or mice poop yet so I haven’t been driven to buy traps yet… but they need to quiet down! Their squeaking and rumbling is really annoying. I sleep with my head lamp next to my pillow so I can scare them away when they are getting unruly.

Wish I could say that I have found an animal in Micronesia that I like… but that hasn’t happened yet. (if I had to pick… I would go with starfish) I will save the story about dogs for another post.

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